We’ll adjust the calendar to give you an extra class day on Project 2. We’ll just shift everything forward a class:
- TH, 2/18: peer review drafts are due by 11:59 PM
- FR, 2/19, peer review takes place in class
- MO, 2/22: Project 2 due
We will get back on schedule as we work on Project 3, so that the other due dates should not need to shift.
Keep working on your project, and I will address your various questions on Wednesday. I have submitted a 4HELP request about the speed of the blogs.lt.vt.edu site. Because of the weekend and the snow day, they haven’t yet replied. For now, try to be patient with the site. I hope we’ll have a fix soon. If not, the speed of the site certainly won’t influence your grade. If necessary, I will help you all migrate to a new site.
Stay warm. Drive, ride, bike, and walk safely.