Archives for 2016-03-28

In-Class Work Day

This is the post for the Monday, March 28, 2016 class meeting.

Cat, with the caption, Does this selfie make my ears look big?More Work Time

You (and your group) will use today’s class session to continue work on your project. Remember the requirements for the activity:

  • Use at least 4 modes.
  • Well-designed (Uses design to make the project visually appealing and easy to read).
  • Take a risk. Try something new.


Remember to include documentation for any images, photos, audio clips, videos, or text that you did not make yourself. You can include the citation as a caption or in end credits. Use whatever method makes sense for the tools you used to create your project. See the information in Writer/Designer (p. 70) for additional help.


If you are done (or close to done), I’d like you to identify at least 3 things you could do to improve the project. Rank them, and then implement as many of the changes as you can.

Work Schedule

W, 3/30 Prepare to have a complete draft on Wednesday, when we will do informal peer reviews. We’ll go over the submission instructions.

F, 4/1 April Fools Day! Class will not meet (I’ll be in NOVA). In lieu of class, you will finalize your work and turn it in. The grace period will end at 11:59 PM on Friday, April 8.